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Letter from Shri H.N. Dastur
to Principals of Bhavans Schools

Dear Principal,
Now that the Supreme Court has upheld the constitutional validity of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, reserving 25 per cent of the seats for the socially disadvantaged and economically weaker sections of society, all the Bhavan's schools have to strive their best to implement the provisions of the Act.
I am aware of the difficulties that our schools will have to face and some uncertainties that still persist with regard to its implementation. I am also aware that Principals of a few of our schools have some reservations and forebodings. But let us leave them behind, look ahead and resolve to make this measure a success.
Let us look at it as a wonderful opportunity in strengthening the Bhavan's work on various fronts to serve the poor and the downtrodden. "the lowest, the lowliest and the lost", in the words of Gurudev Tagore. Already many of the Bhavan's institutes including some schools have been stretching themselves to serve the poor students. This will be continuation of our efforts in this direction. Instead of harboring any diffidence or doubt, let us set about the task with confidence and determination.
We must ensure sincere and whole-hearted compliance with the provisions of the RTE Act. As the Principal, you are at the centre of it all. I am sure you have a plan for implementation ready and our teachers are well prepared to adjust to this new situation. Their attitude and enthusiasm will play a crucial role. They will have to put in extra efforts to bring the children from the economically weaker sections of our society into the mainstream. The Principal and the teachers should wholeheartedly accept this as a challenge and make this measure a success.
A real problem you will face is the social, economic and cultural diversity among the two groups of students. It may so happen that the well-off students may show some resentment and even antipathy towards their new poor classmates giving them a feeling of neglect and injustice aggravating their inferiority complex. Under no circumstances should this be allowed to happen. You will have to apply imaginative and effective measures to counter this possibility with a mixture of persuasiveness and sternness. The upper class students should be educated in accepting their less fortunate sisters and brothers as equals. You may kindly think of some creative ways by which you and the teachers can encourage them to show affection and help these students.

continued on right ...
  • Bhavan's College, Andheri  Mumbai
    Bhavan's Megji Mathradas College of Arts,
    Narrondass Manordass Institute of Science,
    Haji Rashid Jaffer College of Commerce,
    Munshi Nagar,
    Andheri (West),
    Mumbai-400 058
    email : bhavanscollegeandheri@gmail.com
    Phone : 022 2625 6451/ 52
    Fax : 022 2625 6453
    Website : http://bhavans.ac.in

    The College was inaugurated in 1946 and is affiliated to the University of Mumbai for courses leading to B.A. B.Sc., B.Com., M.A., M.Sc., and Ph.D. Degrees.

  • Bhavan's College, Chowpatty  Mumbai
    Bhavan's Hazarimal Somani College of Arts & Science
    Shri Manubhai Maneklal Sheth Jr. College of Arts & Science
    Jayaramdas Patel College of Commerce & management Studies
    Kulpati K.M. Munshi Marg,
    Mumbai 400007
    email : hazarimalsomani@rediffmail.com
    Phone : 022 23691508 / 23691136
    Fax : 022 2367 5108
    Website : https://bhavanschowpatty.ac.in

    Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's Hazarimal Somani College of Arts and Science, Shri Manubhai Maneklal Sheth Junior College of Arts & Science and Jayaramdas Patel College of Commerce and Management Studies falls under the umbrella of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan and therefore reminisces with pride on the life and work of its Founder President and architect Kulapati Dr. K.M. Munshi. Our Founder President laid down the goals which are the founding principles of our college. The goals and objectives emphasize the building of an all round personality of the student. He will therefore be educated and trained, so as to survive in this world with its rapidly changing technology.
    Education is both formative as well as informative and in keeping with these practices the college attempt to keep pace with the changing economic, social and market scenario. All this is being carried out within the norms stipulated by the University of Mumbai and the Government of Maharashtra. Efforts are being made to create and nurture an environment of teaching, innovation and creativity among the staff and the students.
    Our college became operational in June 1965, through a magnificent donation by Shri G.D Somani in memory of his father Late Shri Hazarimal Somani and within a span of four years was permanently affiliated to the University of Mumbai. In 1975 the Junior College came into existence. Taking note of the growing demand for commerce courses and facilitated by a generous contribution from Shri Jayaramdas Patel, the Jayaramdas Patel College of Commerce and Management Studies came into existence in 1980. In addition the college offers other self-financing courses namely Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS) and BCom in Accounting and Finance (BAF) along with MSc (Chemistry and Zoology) and MCom. (Management), Ph.D. (Chemistry and Zoology).Some of our staff members are guiding Ph.D. students in some other colleges too. There are approximately 4000 students in the college persuing education various streams and courses.
    Students constitute the life and soul of every institution. In accordance with Munshiji's principle, Bhavan's Hazarimal Somani College firmly believes that higher education is a right of every student and no young Indian should be denied admission for want of funds. Being located in a middle income area, the college is largely patronized by students of lower and middle income groups. Our institution has a special place for the economically and socially weaker sections of the society, as also for the handicapped and the underprivileged.

  • Leelavati Munshi College of Education (BLMCE)  New Delhi
    Mehta Sadan,
    Kasturba Gandhi Marg,
    New Delhi -110001.
    email : blmce@bvbdelhi.org, principal.blmce@bvbdelhi.org
    Phone : 011-23388869
    Website : http://blmce.ac.in

    Bhavan's Leelavati Munshi College of Education (BLMCE) is the newest addition in the galaxy of institutions under Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan. It was established in 2016 with the recognition of NCTE and is affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (GGSIPU), New Delhi and State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT), New Delhi. Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, being a Charitable Institution and genuinely serving the cause of education, established this college in order to cater to the ever expanding requirements of quality teachers and educators who can bring about a transformative change in the lives and personalities of their students. This college is geared towards providing avenues for developing teachers and educators across levels: elementary level, secondary and senior secondary level. At present the college is running two courses: B.Ed. and D.El.Ed. affiliation to the previous mentioned affiliating bodies respectively.
    This college has been name after Late Smt. Leelavati Munshi, wife of founder Late Kulpati K M Munshi. Smt. Lilavati Munshi was a woman of great strength, a freedom fighter, a politician and as an individual much ahead of her times. She was married at the age of 14 and was widowed. She is a very well known literary critic and had been a critic of Munshi ji's works as well. In 1926 she married Shri K M Munshi. This marriage raised some eyebrows as Smt. Leelavati was older to Munshiji, and more importantly, she was a widow. But Munshiji did not pay heed to these strictures and openly claimed Leelavati ji to be one of his intellectual inspirations. Leelavati ji was a constant companion of Munshiji throughout his whole life and along with him participated in India's struggle for independence. She herself is known to be a literature enthusiast and a noted writer in Gujarati. Besides her literary interests she has played a very instrumental role in India's struggle for independence and in Indian Politics thereafter. Some of the major roles she had undertaken are as under:

    • She was an active member of the Salt Satyagraha, then the Civil Disobedience Movement in 1932 and 1940.
    • From 1931 she served in the Maharashtra Pradesh Congress Committee, as well as the All India Congress Committee (1931-34) and Bombay Pradesh Congress Committee (1935-37).
    • She was a member of the Swadeshi Purchase Committee (1936) of the Bombay Government, member, Bombay Municipal Corporation (1935-45), member, Bombay Legislative Assembly (1936-52), member, Senate of the Bombay University (1937-46),
    • President of the Harijan Sevak Sangh (1943-52)
    • President of Hindi Vidyapeeth
    • Vice- President of the Rashtrabhasha Prachar Samiti
    • Member of the Rajya Sabha (1952-58)

    The college derives inspiration from the ideals and innate strength of Smt Leelavati Munshi who epitomises a woman with a great deal of inner strength and a force of conviction which forces people and society to rethink and have a relook at age old societal norms and conventions. She is an icon in her own right, with her own perspective and vision and was able to contribute to the betterment of women and our country as a whole.

    Location and Facilities provided:

    Bhavan's Leelavati Munshi College of Education is located in the Mehta Sadan of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Building, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi- 110001. Being very close to India Gate and Cannaught Place (Rajiv Chowk) is situated in one of the most prestigious locations in New Delhi.
    Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan genuinely being a Charitable Institution and striving to serve the cause of education has surrendered 10% of the Management Quota seats (in B.Ed. as well as in D.El.Ed.) to the affiliating University, viz. GGSIPU and SCERT. The affiliating bodies have been requested to fill up all the seats based on their own criteria for admission. The college strives to provide a rich array of experiences to future teachers so as to transform them into real educators who can celebrate the diversity of our learners as well as of the country with a great degree of social affinity. For attaining this objective, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan in addition to the above has also taken the following steps to provide quality teachers education to the students being admitted to the Two Courses:

    • Infrastructural Facilities: The infrastructural facilities provided by the college are as per the requirements of NCTE, GGSIPU and SCERT norms.
    • Management Committee: the college has very prominent personalities in the Management Committee to ensure quality teacher education.
    • Location and connectivity: The college is located in the heart of the city on Kasturba Gandhi Marg near India Gate which is very well connected by Metro and local transport system and it is extremely convenient for the students to reach the Institution.
    • The college intends to provide the best of instructional and overall experience to students who are entering the profession of teaching and field of education.
    • The college has dedicated and professionally qualified full-time faculty and guest faculty with the best of credentials and publications in the field ensuring good teacher-student ratio and rich experience to the students.
    • The college has also a very rich Library consisting of good titles ranging from reputed national and international publications and a fully equipped computer Lab facility with Internet connectivity.

  • Sheth Ranchhodlal Acharatlal College of Science  Ahmedabad
    Vidhyagauri Nilkanth Marg,
    Gujarat - 380001
    email : brasc_abd@yahoo.com, info@bhavansrasc.org
    Phone : 079-2560 1949
    Website : www.bhavansrasc.org

    Government Grant in Aid College having permanent affiliation with Gujarat University Ahmedabad.
    Year of Establishment: June 1965
    Institute runs two programs:

    • 1. B.Sc. (Bachelor of Science) - 3 years degree course.
      Offer Subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Mathematics and Zoology as Principal subject at B.Sc.
      Intake: 350 Students per Academic year
    • 2. M.Sc. (Master of Science) - 2 years degree course
      Offer Subjects: In Organic Chemistry at M.Sc.
      Intake: 85 Students per Academic year

  • Sheth Ranchhodlal Acharatlal College of Arts & Commerce  Ahmedabad
    Vidya Gauri Neelkanth Marg Khanpur,
    Gujarat - 380001
    email : 085bhavans@gmail.com
    Phone : 9662000118
    Fax : 079-25601314
    Website : https://bhavancollege.org

    Established in 1965, situated in heritage city of Ahmedabad, governed by highly motivated Trustees, the College runs B.A., M.A., B.Com, M.Com, Diploma, Certificate and Ph.D. programs. It has 2504 students including foreign students and research scholars. It has been awarded by UGC the highest status of College with Potential for Excellence, and has received Startup College of the Year award in 2019 by Udyog Mantralaya.
    The sportspersons from the College have participated in Asian Games, Common Wealth Games and World Championships. One student Elavenil, ranked No. One in Rifle Shooting played in Tokyo Olympics 2020. Two students were selected to represent India in Japanese University.
    College has started new PG, Certificate and Diploma courses in the College. The college regularly organizes national, international academic and research activities, publishes an ISSN numbered International Journal: Bharatiya Manyaprad.
    It has WI-FI campus, Smart Classrooms, In-house recording studio, automated, library, and well equipped auditoriums. it has national and International MOUs with Universities from Canada and Indonesia. Under MOU with IIT Gandhinagar the college students are given internship at IIT.
    The college provides apt platform for cultural, Society oriented and spiritual activities. The college campus is selected by prestigious Government and private Offices/organizations to conduct workshops, events and competitions. It's a green campus with Solar energy, waste water system, In-house Save Planet Activities and Rain Water harvesting.

  • Bhavan's Shri A.K Doshi Mahila College  Jamnagar
    Mahila College Marg,
    Jamnagar - 361 008
    email : akdmcjam@gmail.com
    Phone : 0288 -2753389
    Fax : 0288 - 2750285
    Website : https://www.akdmc.org/

    The College was established on June 30. 1975. This is one of the leading educational institutions of Saurashtra. The college is affiliated to saurashtra University with under graduate Pragrammes in Arts, commerce and Home Science. The College was awareled A Grade with 3.20 Cgpa by NAAC is present Strength is 2400 Students and 38 faculty members.

  • Bhavan's College Of Arts & Commerce  Kakkanad
    Csez P O,
    Kakkanad - 682037
    email : principal@bhavanscollege.ac.in, bhavansartscollege@gmail.com
    Phone : 0484-2426788, 2426188, 4060067, 9188145299
    Website : www.bhavanscollege.ac.in

    Principal: Dr. Anil Kumar K.

    The college was started in the year 2015 with four courses, B.Com Model I Finance & Taxation, B. Com Model II Computer Application, BBA and B.A English Literature and Communication Studies Model III (Double main). The college had applied for P.G courses; M.Com & M.A English Language & Literature in 2021 and a committee from the university had conducted an onsite inspection on 12.05.2022 and has forwarded a very favourable report.
    The student's strength of the college at present is 218. We have a total number of eighteen faculty members (including three part-timers) and eight non - teaching staff members.
    The college has excellent infrastructure facilities, which includes a state of the art AV Room, communication lab and a computer lab. We have adequate number of classrooms and we propose to add additional classrooms for PG classes in this academic year. The college is offering fourteen add on courses on an agreement with a third party.
    The college organizes inter collegiate cultural and sports events like Visishta and football championships every year. The college campus has adequate fully developed football grounds and badminton courts. Facilities for indoor games like table tennis, chess caroms etc. are also provided.

  • Bhavan's N.A. Palkhiwala Academy for Advanced Legal Studies & Research  Ramanattukara
    P.B.No.8, Ramanattukara,
    Kozhikode Dist,
    Pincode - 673633
    email : bhavans.palsar@gmail.com
    Phone : 0495-2440604
    Website : https://bhavans-palsar.in

    The Law College was started in 2012 in memory of Bhavan's former Vice-President and eminent Jurist Nani A Palkhivala. It is affiliated to the University of Calicut and recognized by the Bar Council of India. It offers 5 year integrated B.B.A. LL.B (Hons.) course. At present the college has 400 students and 18 faculty members.

  • Bhavan's Ramakrishnan Institute of Teacher Education  Ramanattukara
    P.B.No.8, Ramanattukara,
    Kozhikode Dist,
    Pincode - 673633
    email : brite.ramanattukara.673633@gmail.com
    Phone : 0495-2443221
    Website : https://www.bhavans-brite.in

    Principal : Dr. Madhavi Kutty

    The Institute was established in 2005. It was inaugurated by Chief Minister, Shri Ooman Chandi on October 29, 2005.
    The Institute is recognised by NCTE and is affiliated to the University of Calicut.

  • Bhavan's New Science College (Evening)  Hyderabad
    Opp. Shalimar Function Hall,
    Hyderabad - 500 029
    email : bhavans_1956@yahoo.co.in
    Phone : 9000513572

    Principal : Shri P. Krishna Rao

    The New Science College was established in the year 1956 by Nutan Vidya Samithi at Narayanguda under the Chairmanship of Dr. G.S. Melkote and the Principal Shri C. Sudershan. The Bhavan took over the management of the College in April 1982. It is affiliated to the Osmania University.

    Bhavan's New Science College [Day]

    The Day College is offering courses such as M.Sc. Applied Electronics, M.Sc. Botany and M.Sc. Zoology at the post-graduate level in English medium.
    The B.Sc. three-year degree courses are with combinations of 1. Maths, Physics,Chemistry, 2. Maths, Physics, Geology, 3.Botany, Zoology, Chemistry and 4. Botany,Geology, Chemistry.

    The College offers following courses:
    1. Maths, Physics, Electronics
    2. Microbiology, Botany, Chemistry,
    3. Maths, Electronics, Computer Science and
    4. Genetic, Chemistry, Computer applications.
    5. B.C.A Course was also introduced.
    Bhavan's New Science College [Evening]

    The Evening College is offering B.A. and B.Com.
    Courses in English and Telugu Medium.

  • Bhavan's Sri Aurobindo Junior College  Secunderabad
    Defence Colony,
    Secunderabad - 500 094
    email : bsajcsainikpuri@gmail.com
    Phone : 040-27117706, 27116641
    Website : http://www.bhavansjuniorcollege.com/

    • Number of faculty members: 40
    • Total No of students: 1596
    • Date of Establishment: 1997
    • Affiliation: Affiliated to Board of Intermediate Education, Telangana State

    The Bhavan's Sri Aurobindo Junior College is located in the Bhavan's Sainikpuri Kendra Campus, and has a strength of 1600 students and a faculty of 41 Junior lecturers.
    Apart from the regular courses, the college also provides expert guidance for the IIT JEE and NEET aspirants and those who wish to appear and ace the state Medical and Engineering entrance examinations. Students who wish to choose a career in accounting and auditing are offered guidance by the faculty for the CA/CPT Foundation courses.
    The College encourages students to participate in sports and other activities such as debates, elocution and art/cultural competitions.

    Courses offered:

    • Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry - MPC
    • Biology, Physics, Chemistry - BPC
    • Mathematics, Economics, Commerce- MEC
    • Civics, Economics, Commerce - CEC

    Second Language
    As part of the curriculum, the second language options are given to the students as : Sanskrit, Hindi, Telugu & French.

  • Bhavan's Vivekananda College of Science, Humanities & Commerce  Secunderabad
    Secunderabad - 500094
    email : bvc@bhavansvc.ac.in
    Phone : 040 - 27111611/ 27115878
    Website : www.bhavansvc.ac.in

    The College was established in 1993 and has now a strength of more than 3500 students in UG & PG courses and is a Research Centre in Micro-Biology & Bio-Chemistry. The college is accredited with 'A' grade by NAAC in 2015 and was again re-awarded with 'A' grade up to 2027. The college is granted Autonomous status under Osmania University in 2015 and it is extended for five more years (2027).
    College has been ranked among the top 200 colleges in the country by NIRF, MHRD for three consecutive years - 2018, 2019 and 2020. It has emerged as hub of academic excellence and as the cynosure of academic and research, and also conducted by the Osmania University and other agencies.
    Five major research projects and twelve minor research projects were sanctioned by UGC and Government of India (DBT and DST) during the last ten years. The college is recognized for funding under DBT Star College Scheme. An amount of Rs.1.23 crores was sanctioned for the three-year period from 2019 to 2022 by Department of Biotechnology, Government of India. Faculty of the college published 161 books and chapters in edited volumes in the last six years and also 395 Research Publications during the same period.
    As a testimony of the Research Potential of the college, department of Microbiology and Biochemistry have been sanctioned by O.U. Research Centre Status. Two more departments - Commerce and Business Management, are under consideration of Osmania University for recognition as Research Centres.

    UG Programmes conducted by the College

      1. B.Com
      2. B.Com (Comp. Applications)
      3. B.Com (Hons.)
      4. B.Com (Hons.) - Business Analytics
      1. B.Sc., (Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science)
      2. B.Sc., (Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science)
      3. B.Sc., (Mathematics, Electronics, Computer Science)
      4. B.Sc., (Hons. Data Science)
      5. BCA (Bachelor of Computer Application)
      1. B.Sc., (Microbiology, Genetics, Chemistry)
      2. B.Sc., (Microbiology, Biochem, Chemistry)
      3. B.Sc., (Biotechnology, Genetics, Chemistry)
      4. B.Sc., (Microbiology, Nutrition & Dietetics, Chemistry)
    • BA (Mass Communication, Political Science and Economics)


    1. MBA
    2. M.Sc (Computer Science)
    3. M.Sc (Microbiology)
    4. M.Sc (Biochemistry)
    5. M.Com

  • Bhavan's Shri Ishwarlal L. P. Arts-Science & Jashodaben Shah Commerce College  Dakor
    Bhavan's College Campus,
    Dakor-Umreth Road,
    Dakor - 388225,
    Dist. Kheda
    email : bhavansdakor@rediffmail.com
    Phone : 02699 - 244454 / 244412 / 9429415361 / 9601918873
    Website : www.bhavanscollegedakor.org

    It was established in 1961 and presently it is affiliated with Sardar Patel University. It offers Graduate and Post Graduate courses in Arts (B.A. &M.A.) , Commerce(B.Com. &M.Com.) and Science(B.Sc. & M.Sc.) faculty. The college has total strength of about 1716 students and 23 faculty members across all the three faculties.

  • Bhavan's Nursery Teachers Training College  Kochi
    Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan,
    T.D Road,
    email : bharatiyavidyabhavancochin@yahoo.co.in
    Phone : 0484 2903500
    Website : bhavanskochikendra.com

    Every child deserves a champion - an adult who will never give up on him/her. Understanding the need to produce such champions, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Kochi Kendra started Bhavan's Nursery Teachers Training College in the year 1986 in its premises. The Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) aims at the holistic development of a child's social, emotional, cognitive and physical needs in order to build a solid and broad foundation for lifelong learning and well-being. Principles and Organization of ECCE, Methods and Strategies of ECCE, Child Development, Food and Nutrition, Inclusive Education, Cultural Heritage, Value Education and Communicative English are the different subjects of study.
    The curriculum also includes the design of outdoor and indoor environment of a preschool, different pedagogical approaches for curriculum transaction, theories of child development and suitable methods to handle differently abled children, interactive teaching and use of indigenous materials to enhance learning opportunities. Activities that enhance holistic development of children are promoted. The college also has a very good collection of books on Child Psychology, Gita chanting, Gurusthuthy, Meditation and breathing exercises are included in the assembly to focus on spiritual and mental growth. Learning by doing is highlighted. Students are given chances to observe and learn the behaviour of children of 3 to 6 years for 3 months to prepare case studies. Visits to institutions of differently abled are arranged to know more about their world. Field trips are arranged to learn the routine activities of other city schools. Teaching practice is given in Bhavan's Bala Mandirs. Talent time is conducted to spot the hidden talents of students. To develop self confidence in public speaking, students are given chance to speak on a topic in the assembly. Important days like Gurupurnima, Environment Day, Yoga Day, Teachers' Day etc are observed and Onam, Navarathri, Christmas etc are celebrated.
    Training is also given on maintaining good relationship with children, colleagues, parents and the community in which they live. The duration of this course is 10 months, June to March. Meritorious trainees get placement in Bhavan's Bala Mandirs and other reputed city schools. The focus is mainly to bring out a patient, loving, resourceful and innovative teacher who can nurture the kids with love and care. Thus the concentration is on carving out the "whole" teacher to serve in our Preschools. A book titled 'Foundational Learning - an insightful journey' was brought out in 2022 by Smt. Umadevi K P with Smt. Joly Elizabeth & Smt. Meena K as co-authors and Smt. Saroja Muralikrishnan as editor.

  • Bhavan's Mehta Mahavidyalaya (V.S. Mehta College of Science)  Bharwari
    Bharwari Distt.
    Pincode - 212201
    Uttar Pradesh
    email : vsmehtacollegeb@gmail.com
    Phone : 0532-2110099
    Fax : 05331 - 222718
    Website : www.vsmehtacollege.org

    Principal : Dr. Ruby Chaudhary

    The College started in July 1968 with B.Sc. courses in Science. Later on, M.Sc. course in Mathematics and Degree courses in Arts were added. It is permanently affiliated to Chhatrapati Sahuji Maharaj University, Kanpur.

  • Bhavans Tripura College of Teacher Education  Tripura
    P.O Narsingarh (Bimangarh)
    West Tripura
    Pincode - 799015
    email : bhavanbedc_trip@rediffmail.com
    Phone : (+91) 6033322532
    Website : https://btcte.in

    Bhavans Tripura College of Teacher Education was established in 2005. The college is offering 2 Yrs. B.Ed and D.El.Ed courses in face to face mode. The college also shelters the study centre for MA in Education course regulated by IGNOU. The college is setup with the objectives of preparing teachers with adequate pedagogic skills as per requirement.

... continued from left

There may be a handful of teachers whose mindset is inclined to treat these new boys and girls as second-class students. Some may even take them as an unnecessary burden and show some displeasure. You will have to prevent this at any cost. Your persistent efforts to persuade them, transform their attitude and make them understand the utmost importance of this aspect is bound to succeed. If it does not in the case of some teaches, you will have to deal with them sternly taking it as a detestable act of indiscipline which goes against the basic philosophy of Bhavan.
Apart from this being our sacred duty, just imagine what a noble act we will be performing if we can turn the dream of every parent to educate his/her child in a school of repute and excellence such as ours into a reality.
To sum up, you will have to build up a conducive environment in the school by motivating the teachers and other staff to put in their very best to successfully meet this challenge, and the students to deal with their lesser fortunate sisters and brothers with love and compassion. This is what an inspirational leadership is all about. I am confident that you possess that high quality of true leadership. Let us show the path to other schools.
I pray to God to make your efforts a great success.

With best wishes,

Yours sincerely
Executive Secretary & Director General
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan,
Please Note:
  • Maximum care has been taken to provide accurate information about each college.
  • In case you find the information about the college is not adequate, please send whatever additional information you want to put online to the webmaster. If you want some photos to be added to the page, please send them too.
The postal address:
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan,
K.M Munshi Marg,
Mumbai 400 007.
e-mail : webmaster@bhavans.info