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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan,
Bengaluru & Mumbai


Cultural Festival
Unity in Diversity

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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan,
Bengaluru & Mumbai

Day-05 Date: 22-02-2023
Time: 7.00 pm

Unity in Diversity
- In The Indian Cinema

Illustrative talk and A/V Show Sujata Parsai
Prof. Anil Zankar
Compered by Deepak Doshi
Dr. K. M. Munshi Marg,
Mumbai - 400 007

Anil Zankar is a professor and an author of many books on Indian films. He has directed 22 films and received many national awards. In his illustrative talk, Anil Zankar spoke on artistic as well as organizational aspects of the Indian film industry reflecting unity in diversity with the help of many audio visual clips.

There exist various kinds of diversity in Indian cinema. For over a century, the Indian film industry has formed and functioned accommodating various artistic traditions, languages, music, dance, costumes and multifarious talents to form a rich universe of Indian cinema much like Tagore’s the vision of “Infinite reality in finite things.”

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Unity in Diversity - In The Indian Cinema
Unity in Diversity - In The Indian Cinema
Unity in Diversity - In The Indian Cinema
Unity in Diversity - In The Indian Cinema
Unity in Diversity - In The Indian Cinema