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lnfosys Foundation,


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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan,
Bengaluru & Mumbai


Cultural Festival
Unity in Diversity

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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan,
Bengaluru & Mumbai

Day-03 Date: 20-02-2023
Time: 7.00 pm

पिंजर प्रेम प्रकास्या
(Medieval Saint & Sufi Music)

Compere Purushottam Agrawal
Coordinator Neela Bhagwat
Participants Neela Bhagwat (Meerabai, Akka Mahadevi)
Amarendra Dhaneshwar (Kabir, Narsinh Mehta)
Radhika Sood Nayak (Shah Hussain, Bulle Shah)
Ramkrishna Das (Chondi Das, Laalon Faqir)
Saniya Patankar (Tukaram, Muktabai)
Soma Sen (Ravindranath Tagore)
Fareed Hasan Khan & Mehboob Hussain Khan
(Amir Khusro, Bulle Shah)
Dr. K. M. Munshi Marg,
Mumbai - 400 007

An event of songs of Medieval Sufi and Saint poets with expert comments by Purushottam Agrawal, an eminent intellectual.

Purushottamji introduced the concept of bhakti by saying that even though bhakti is related to devotion but etymologically it stands for involvement, participation, attachment and love. Not all saint poets of India talk sweet but if needed they speak the unpleasing and real truth to guide the society. He gave a brief introduction of the compositions before every singer presented their songs.

Ramkrishna Das, a folk and raagdari singer started the evening with ‘Sab loke koy laalon ki jaat sansare’, a famous Bengali Baaul song of Laalon Fakir (1784-1891) that conveyed the idea of mistaken perception of differences of castes and religions. He was followed by the vocalist, columnist, author and activist Amarendra Dhaneshwar, who sang compositions of Kabir –Saadho dekho jag bauraanaa and Narsinh Mehta’s ‘Vaishnav jan to tene kahiye’.

Gwalior gharana’s eminent vocalist Neela Bhagwat, the coordinator of the programme sang a pad of Meera Bai- ‘Raanaji mhaane badnaami laage mithi’, and Kabir’s composition - Kaise din kati hai jatan bataay jaiho. It was followed by Jaipur gharana singer Saniya Patankar. She presented a Marathi abhang ‘Je kaa ranjale ganjale’by Tukaramand ‘Moongi udalli Akashi’ by Saint Muktaibai highlighting raagdaari and artistry.

Radhika Sood Naik is a well known singer of Sufi compositions. She presented Shah Husseins’s ‘Asaan kit kun sheikh sadaa vanaa ghar baithiyan mangal gaavnaa’ and Bulle Shah’s ‘Hindu nahin naa musalmaan bhaye niranjan taja abhimaan’. Her recital was followed by Soma Sen’s ‘Hinsaay unmatto pritthwi’ a song by renowned Rabindranath Tagore that promotes awareness against violence.

This session was concluded with vibrant qawwaali recital by Delhi gharana maestri Fareed Hasan Khan and Mehboob Hussain Khan who sang ‘Man qunto maula’ and ‘Damaa dam mast qalandar’. The final song was so moving that audience started clapping with the crescendo of the song and young audience was found dancing leaving there seat.

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पिंजर प्रेम प्रकास्या
पिंजर प्रेम प्रकास्या
पिंजर प्रेम प्रकास्या
पिंजर प्रेम प्रकास्या
पिंजर प्रेम प्रकास्या
पिंजर प्रेम प्रकास्या
पिंजर प्रेम प्रकास्या
पिंजर प्रेम प्रकास्या
पिंजर प्रेम प्रकास्या