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lnfosys Foundation,


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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan,
Bengaluru & Mumbai


Cultural Festival
Unity in Diversity

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Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan,
Bengaluru & Mumbai

Day-02 Date: 19-02-2023
Time: 7.00 pm

आवाज़ दो हम एक हैं
(An Audio-Visual Show)

Conceptualized & Presented by Manek Premchand
Manek Premchand,
A leading historian of Hindi Films Music
Hindi cinema has for decades been a beacon for Unity in Diversity, showcasing through its scripts and songs stories of India's remarkable ability to stay in harmony, and to showcase the country's wealth of languages, religions, gastronomic delights, and apparel.
Dr. K. M. Munshi Marg,
Mumbai - 400 007

This audio visual show was conceptualized and presented by Manek Premchand, an author and leading historian of Hindi film music. In his views, Hindi cinema has for decades been a beacon for Unity in Diversity. The Hindi film songs, through their stories, scripts and songs, showcase India’s remarkable ability to stay in harmony by reflecting the country’s diverse wealth of languages, religions, gastronomic delights and apparels. He presented the film songs in four sections with the quizzes and prizes after each section. The entire show was very well received along with the lovely songs and the depicted visuals. The film clips shown were on religious diversity by lyrics, diversity in dances, language diversity and festivals.

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आवाज़ दो हम एक हैं
आवाज़ दो हम एक हैं
आवाज़ दो हम एक हैं
आवाज़ दो हम एक हैं
आवाज़ दो हम एक हैं
आवाज़ दो हम एक हैं
आवाज़ दो हम एक हैं