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Title : The Best of Aesop’s Fables
Author : Amrita Bharati
Pages : 60
Price : ₹110
ISBN : 978-93-91622-93-0

About the book:

The book contains a delightful collection of 50 Aesop tales with eye-catching illustrations.
AESOP was a legendary Greek storyteller. He is believed to have lived around the 6th century BCE. His life is shrouded in mystery. By some accounts, he was a slave who won his freedom using his wit and intelligence. After becoming free, he travelled a great deal instructing people through his pithy stories.
His collection of moral tales called Aesop’s Fables has endured the test of time and continues to enthral readers of all ages.

About The Author: Amrita Bharati :
Amrita Bharati founded in 1990 as a part of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, is a leading producer of content, providing entertaining and informative reading material to people of all ages from children and young adults to millennials and senior citizens.

By the Same Author :
  • The Crazy Wit of Nasruddin Hodja