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The book is a poetic rendition of the First Anglo-Afghan war 1838-42, a catastrophe of British imperialism in India. It is the story of the British invasion of Afghanistan and the destruction of the army and camp followers in retreat. This war was fought as part of the Asiatic Game of geo-politics for world domination.
In this Anglo-Afghan war more than sixteen thousand people died. Attacks and destruction by the enemy coupled with the harsh winter led to their deaths. The prose part offers a fresh theoretical approach on a theme narrated in the long poem. The book goes far beyond the tragic events and arrives at some general conclusions.
About The Author: Yash Nandan `Kaviraj` :
He is North west Frontier Province born who has emigrated tot eh US. He has been a teacher, a professor, diamantaire and a writer. His other obkks include `Asia and twice born Prometheus` and `Pigeon English collection of Poems`.