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Title : The Matchless Weapon Satyagraha
Author : James K. Mathews
Pages : 225
Price : ₹200
ISBN : 81-7276-354-9

About the book:

The title The Matchless Weapon, comes from Gandhi's own phrase. The book argues that although the Gandhian method has many roots and many branches, the determinative "springs of action" come from Hinduism.
The purpose of the book is to examine the techniques Gandhi used during his public life in South Africa and India on a more or less wide social scale to achieve various ends. In order to achieve this purpose a careful study has been made of Gandhi's own writings, as well as a great deal that has been written about him and the situations in which he worked.
That it contains important insights was confirmed when in 1992 the Gandhi Peace Foundation chose the book for a special award.

About The Author: James K. Mathews :
James Mathews is now a retired bishop. His travels and work have carried him to six continents. He is the author of seven books and many articles on a wide variety of subjects.