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Students of Indian universities know much less about the Gita and the principles of Hinduism than undergraduates of European universities know about the Bible and Christianity. The present handbook is a welcome step towards correcting this sad situation.The present book has been written mainly to serve as a Hand Book for students. The subject wise classwise classification of the topics on which the Gita dwells is greatly useful for the students, as it helps him to acquire a broad yet systematic view of the Gita's philosophy as a whole. The value of this book for the beginner lies especially in the fact that there is a conscious effort on the learned author's part to refrain from making it a book for scholars.
About The Author: C. Rajagopalachari :
Chakravarti Rajagopalachari is a distinguished founder member of the Bhavan. A great patriot, astute politician, thinker, visionary, a close associate of Mahatma Gandhi, he was a great statesman. A freedom fighter, he was also the Chief Minister of Madras, Governor of West Bengal, India's Home Minister and the first Indian Governor-General of Free India. Rajaji popularized books on Ramayan, Mahabharat, Bhagwad Gita ,Upanishads and several others by writing in his inimitable style which has appealed to millions of people. He wrote in English and Tamil, his mother tongue. He passed away in 1972 at the age of 94.