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Title : The God I Want to Love
Author : Meera Prakash
Pages : 181
Availability: Currently out of stock.
ISBN : 81-7276-066-3

About the book:

This book has taken shape after much cogitation about God and mystery of life and about the purpose of living- always from the point of view of laity. It probes into the why of sorrow and suffering, the seemingly unfair play of life, and the moral conflict witin man which generates fear and anxiety at the thought of meeting God. It tells in simple terms how human beings can understand and love God.
What man experiences in life must blend with the theological concept of God and not put him in conflict within himself. The concept of God should engender in man a healthy respect, love and awe for the Divine Principle and not make him cringe in fear, emotionally charged with guilt and anxiety, crippling his mind to such an extent as to render him incapable of thinking about God, let alone coming to know God. The ultimate test that we love God is to stop criticizing Him when we think He has failed us and praising Him when everything seems just right. Our desire to know Him, to recognize Him in our conscious mind, that is vital to Him, that is our need for Him, our love for Him.

About The Author: Meera Prakash :
Meera Prakash hails from a deeply religious family and has been influenced by a long line of writers, philosophers and scholars. A naturally introspective person, her leaning towards learning about other religious beliefs and cultures provided more than a common interest in the origin of creation and God.

By the Same Author :
  • An Angel For Life