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The Gita is the science of the Vedas, while Ayurveda, the Science of Life, is an integral part of the composite philosophy of the Vedas. So naturally enough, the two cover some important common issues, which this little book highlights. With the author's vast experience in Ayurveda and deep study of the Gita he brings out here the integrated mode of life that both enunciated. Quoting from the Gita on the one hand and ancient Ayurvedic treating like Caraka Samhita on the other, the author shows how both agree on the control of the mind as the key to physical health, as the mind is the control centre for all sensory and motor functions within the human body.
About The Author: Vaidya Suresh Chaturvedi :
Vaidya Suresh Chaturvedi, is a leading practitioner of Ayurveda, an internationally reputed figure in the field of alternative medicine, and a professor and Ph.D. guide in Bombay University.