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The book contains a delightful collection of 50 Aesop tales with eye-catching illustrations.Read More
This book Who is Who in the Ramayana, contains over a thousand names of the various characters appearing in the great epic, the Ramayana by Sage Valmiki. A short biographical sketch of the main characters and others and their role who figure in the epic Ramayana is provided in an alphabetical order for quick reference.Read More
This book for standard XII throws light on Goal Setting, Gratitude, Resisting Peer Pressure, Stress and Time Management and many such interesting topics.Read More
This book for standard XI throws light on Optimism, Commitment, Integrity, Health and Wellness, Resilience, Empathy, Teamwork, Being Focused, The Art of Communication, Being Consistent and Organised, Ethics and Etiquettes and many such topics that helps in shaping your personality.Read More
Reason and science are not meant to displace, much less to destroy, religion. As a matter of fact science and religion are complementary, serving different needs of man. Roughly speaking, science gives power and resources while religion teaches their proper use. With the advancement of science resources are growing fast and religion must keep pace with them.Read More
Cover Price:- Rs. 1510/- Discounted Price:- Rs. 1283/-
The Satthwa series uses education as a means to ignite young minds by developing their creative and cognitive skills, inculcating fine qualities of the head and heart, cultivating social and moral values in young children and moulding them into worthy citizens.
The series enhances the quality of education as it acquires knowledge from various sources.Read More
Dimdima is one of the most renowned magazines for children in India. It is published by Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan. 'Dimdima' is a Sanskrit word meaning 'drumbeat'. In the days of King Ashoka road shows named 'Dimdima' were held to disseminate news of the king's victory. Dimdima provides infotainment to its young readers. The 48-page issue has all that is needed to create reading habit in children.
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